Effective Ways to Improve Voiceover Scripts

A solid voiceover script is the key to success for your podcast or your radio and television commercials. Writing voiceover scripts that are compelling and persuasive is very different from writing print ads and small blurbs that appear on online advertisements. Peter Drew, an experienced voice over artist who provides voiceovers via the Internet and…


European Spanish Voice Over – Voice Talent From Spain

  Más Veinte años como locutor profesional Josep Ramos tiene a sus espaldas más dos décadas de experiencia en el mundo audiovisual, donde ha  realizado trabajos a nivel internacional en el mundo de la locución. El locutor profesional Josep Ramos destaca por sus trabajos en las cadenas radiofónicas más importantes del país. Su trayectoria profesional…


Evolution and Future of VoIP Technology

VoIP technology in 2010 Well if we talk about the evolution of VoIP we have to go back to late 2003 or the beginning of 2004. However the technology found its place in mainstream telecommunication only in the year 2009, when services like Skype, Vonage, and Lingo and innumerous such companies stated using VoIP service…


Faxing over VoIP

As far as VoIP has come in Voice telephone calls, faxing over VoIP still has a lot of room to improve. Have you ever tried to fax on your residential VoIP line? I have, and it didn’t go well. After doing some research on the subject I found out that the voice traffic and the…


Features of a Good Headset

Millions of people all over the world communicate with one another everyday either through phone calls, chats, mails or any other means. Communication or phone calls is best enjoyed when both the sender and the receiver can hear themselves clearly, without missing out on any important information. These days, with the increase in call rates…


How Softswitch Differs From Traditional Circuit Switch

Softswitch has modernized the way the telecom industry worked before. Assimilating a stream of solutions like voice, fax, data and video, the technology has transformed the basics of this industry. Below we will discuss how softswitch varies from conventional circuit switch. The telecom industry has seen massive technical innovations in recent years. A development or…
