Disadvantages of Voice Over IP

Even though the VOIP technology is being considered technological due to its products and services, it ends up having its cons on the other side of the IP networks. These are some of the main reasons why although VOIP being supported technologically it is still yet to cop up with the market and therefore not…


Directorio Indizze

  Hoy en día es complicado encontrar un buen directorio de empresas que reúna muchas condiciones y sea adecuado para las pymes.  Yo como locutor profesional estoy muy agradecido a Indizze. Fue una suerte para mi  encontrarme con Indizze cuando comencé mi andadura con mi nueva web. Lo primero de todo es que era gratuita…


Digital Marketing Solutions – Reaching The Audience

When communication specialists sit for a discussion on marketing, all they come up with is audience profiles – heterogeneous, scattered, and less related to changes – things like that. But with the global audience, who are waiting behind their computer screens, you can not ignore the new means to reach to them. The marketing sphere…


Different Types of Entertainment

Before we look into different types of entertainment, first let’s define what entertainment is. Entertainment is any kind of activity that provides amusement for people in a passive way, other entertaining activities that involve participating are considered recreation or hobbies. There are many types of entertainment for particular tastes, for example we have cinema, theatre,…


Difference Between Voice-Over and Off Screen in Subtitling

Many businesses utilize subtitling services in their corporate videos. Some managers look for price comparisons between off-screen and voice-over subtitling services. The cost isn’t really the issue, according to companies who specialize in the service. Subtitling is less expensive, but a business manager’s primary concern should be finding the best method for the intended audience.…


Diez razones por las que Line es mejor chat que WhatsApp

WhatsApp es a mensajería instantánea lo que Bimbo a pan de molde o Kleenex a pañuelos desechables. Mandar un ‘guasap’ se ha convertido en sinónimo de chatear y es una práctica habitual para la gran mayoría de usuarios de dispositivos móviles. Se llevó por delante a los SMS y se hizo con una hegemonía que…
