Reasons Why One Should Buy Car Insurance From an Agency

Car insurance agencies have been set up so as to aid car owners to access insurance services at a fast rate whilst giving advice on the various policies that they should choose. Some of the reasons as to why you should go to an agency include: Unbiased opinion: going to a car insurance agency means…


Recruitment Agency: Role for Employers and Role for Job Seekers

As the title suggests, here in this article you will read about two major roles that a recruitment agency plays. We can say that a recruitment firm functions as a ‘Placement Consultancy’ and a ‘Job Searching Platform’ both. Where the first role discusses the services provided to employers or companies, the second role details about…


Reunión Online de locutores

El pasado 28 de julio tuvimos nuestra primera reunión online de locutores, donde tratamos temas de suma importancia para nuestro colectivo. El punto estrella y fundamental de la reunión fue la creación de la ASOCIACIÓN DE LOCUTORES PROFESIONALES DE ESPAÑA. Si eres locutor y te interesa el futuro de nuestra profesión, te invitamos a que…


Role of an Advertising Agency

Like any sector or industry, advertising has also become a very competitive industry and has assumed a very professional role in its own field and area of ​​function. With the market getting flooded with thousands of products and services every day, creating awareness about them becomes extremely important. How will people buy products and services…


Samsung mostrará una pantalla flexible de 5,5 pulgadas

De un tiempo a esta parte, se ha hecho notorio el interés de Samsung por las pantallas flexibles. La firma coreana ha mostrado sus tecnologías en muchísimas ferias, pero lo ha hecho con la finalidad de enseñar sus innovaciones al mundo. Lamentablemente, todas sus creaciones todavía están muy alejadas del mundo comercial. A estas alturas, las pantallas flexibles todavía no han podido…


Seeking Help From The Best PR Agency To Build Your Business

It is really smart to have your own business and be your own boss. A lot of people desire this. As you start building your business, however, you should remember that relationships (whether with your employees, partners or consumers) are vital to its growth. In turn, the bond you establish allows your profit and network…


Selling Your Insurance Agency Or Book of Business!

I have been approached with this question so many times I am losing count. How much is my insurance practice or book of business worth? To answer this question I will draw upon my experience as a intermediary and bring to light some of the things to avoid when selling your insurance agency, or book…


SEO: Agency, In-House Or Freelance – What Is Ideal For My Business?

With every passing day, digital marketing is becoming more important as ever. Big and small start-ups are advancing for digital marketing platforms to get their high business rankings and more ROI. Search engine optimisation is one of the most crucial pillars of online marketing that supports the other channels including email marketing, PPC and more.…
